Kids...Kids...kids... I kinda sick of people talk about their kids, NO OFFENCE . Jebus fucking christ. nothing worst than stuck somewhere with some married asshole and have to listen they have to tell you about fucking kids. Let me tell you something folks, nobody cares about your children, OKAY?! Nobody cares about your kids, I speak for everyone. That's why they are your children. So you can care about them and we don't have to bother.
But they tell you anyway, like this couple marriage have 3 super kids, "My cute little daughter Marlene, is on a 7th grade now and She's in a CHEESECLUB! Gabriel is five already and she have 9 period of class, Jenny is 11 and she's pretty much sits around the house having hallucinating all the time." Then they wanna show you the pictures, it's like bunch of little gargoyles. Sometimes you warn them, you know?Well that's good. Like "Hey wanna see some picture of my kids?" "NO!!!!!!!!!!"
There's two ways to handle the pictures when they wanna show ya. 1st is the easy way, you just kinda take it all the strive like go along with it "a boy?Mhmm. A girl? Mhmm. Good, 2 kids. Listen i need to go,i see you later.". and you get the fucked out of there. ;) or you can do what i do. Be little honest about what you see, take a chance, tell the truth "Look at that fucking head in that kid. Jesus where you get that fucking kid like that, that thing so HUGE, have you put it on youtube yet?or put it on Ebay you can make a lil money you know? I'm sure some circus of europe might wanna buy some of ya." Once again , Tell the truth.
Lots of these professional mommy, when they think nothing better than having a baby. They think is the biggest thing in the world. Like this big event having babies. I called it pumping out the UNIT. That's all they doing, pumping out the fucking units. Just like in a factory, all these machine pump out the products every each year. "Hey Matt want a kid?" (Pump out one) "Want twins?" (pump out two). Polluting the EARTH !!WITH THESE CREATURES! lmao.
Well you can have one kid, to keep yourself some values. lolz. You better save some money right now if you wanna have "KIDS". These gonna cost you some fortune.Well i got nothing against kids so dont get the wrong idea. And in the future, I'm not into having kids anyway. Sorry i think i have been bored outta of my mind, I'm just speaking the truth from my brain. Thanks for reading. Have a gay day =)