Sorry havent write here for ages i tink.
Life gays~
I do a lot of boring things to unbored myself at this gay summer holiday. But its kinda fun to know that this interesting person which got master and all that crap.LOL jk
well anyway,too bad this person going to hk already.
No more river mate D: no more crazy talk partner D:
lolz fack i sound like a desperate whore.
I will missed this bish person lor.
I love you lor.
me very nice ah. lOls
tbh this blog kinda mold with dust, well kinda sound like my brain which fill with dust lolz.
so what to talk about.
Hmm sex?dirty words?
Sex..nah kinda all bored with loads of sex position random stuff.
you guys learn at school anyway.lolz
DIrty words... not all words r dirty dont they?<3
-Self Agreed-
What about Profanity?
Profanity is more like pro...pro...in strong way.
Wanna know what it means?You could check on a dictionary ;o
If really wanna know desperately, just Msn me and i give you a good answer.
As in "Google it".
Well well well
I loved Dirty Words.
Dirty Words are so useful for romance or horny sex moments <3
My most one and only favorite dirty word is "Cunt"
Although i hardly ever said it but Its that beautiful little triangle between a girls legs, and it is a word that you(Dicks) hope every girl says in the heat of passion!
Ladies, in the heat of passion, use the word "cunt" more often. It turns mens on -- trust me!
As for another saying for Cunt, If that person doesn't like you, and called you a cunt, feeling offended? A lot of people (women, in particular) think it's about the most offensive word possible.
For me, i think its a sweet delicious horny dirty word ;)
Btw, Doesnt mean i love tat word doesnt mean i'm lessbo ;o
Anyway i fack up twice with the html.
So kinda messed up every funny gays i have type.
And thanks mom for the disturbing attention.
Know the Legend Comedian George Carlin?
RIP George Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008)
He's most hilarious and realistic comedian i ever adore.
One of the fav video from him called "The Seven Words"
Know the Seven Dirty Words?
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, Tits. (Try say it as fast as you can,its fun)
Alright So here's the link.
well let you guys know that i'm still stupid, gaying, fucked up ppl brains with dirty mind magic.
Take care
I write other time.
Have fun and enjoy